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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

World of Warcraft - How to Make Gold By Mining - Part 1 (With Picture and Routes))

How to Make Gold with Mining

This section will cover the different routes you can use to gather ore and other ways to make gold with Mining. Please read the section about Carbonite at the beginning of this chapter so you are aware of other methods of gathering. You can use Carbonite when gathering ore.

Farming Pyrite Ore

Pyrite Ore is the new Titanium Ore and can only be found in the upper Cataclysm zones such as
Twilight Highlands. This ore will sell for a lot of gold and continue to sell for a decent amount all the way through the Cataclysm expansion.

Pyrite in Twilight Highlands

Use the map below for the best results.

Farming Elementium Ore

Elementium Ore will be found on the same route as the Pyrite Route for Twilight Highlands. Another good source of Elementium is Deepholm.

Elementium Ore in Twilight Highlands

Use the map below for the best results.

Elementium Ore in Deepholm

Deepholm is littered with Elementium Veins and almost anywhere you fly you won't be able to avoid them except in the Northern area.

Farming Obsidium Ore

Obsidium Ore will be found in the lower level zones since it's the Cataclysm beginning ore. Vashj'r and Mount Hyjal will have it, but Mount Hyjal is better to farm. Rich Deposits can also be found in Deepholm and you will run into them while farming Elementium.

Obsidium Ore in Mount Hyjal

The better selection for pure Obsidium Ore without the hassle of going underwater.

Farming Thorium Ore

Believe it or not, the most profitable non-rare spawn ore is Thorium which is from the original World of Warcraft. The reason behind this is simple, more and more people are power leveling their professions to 450 to get awesome epic items in Cataclysm but none of these people want to go out and farm Thorium and most people would rather just buy it in the Auction House. This is bad for them, but good for those who want to make some gold. So below I will give you the best 2 routes to get Thorium. Remember there are Rich Thorium Veins (required skill 275) and Small Thorium Veins (required skill 245).

Thorium in Silithus

You will most likely want to be around level 55 or higher to farm this route without getting killed frequently. Don't forget there are Ooze Covered Rich Thorium Veins in this zone to be mined just like regular Rich Thorium Veins. Most of the nodes are around the hives where the bugs are.

Thorium in Blasted Lands

Ensure you are high enough mining before heading out here. The new Blasted Lands now has Thorium Deposits, especially in the southwestern area, but you fill find them all along this route. The eastern area might contain less nodes toward the water.

Farming Cobalt Ore

Cobalt Ore typically sells for about the same as Thorium Ore, there are several advantages and
disadvantages to each. For example, Cobalt Ore will require you to be a higher level and if you want to do it efficiently it is best that you have a flying mount and be level 77+ even though you will not need to be that level to not be killed. The mobs are also higher level around the Cobalt Nodes and there will be more competition. The advantage is, you can farm Cobalt Ore while you level in Northrend. So choose which one to farm based off your local Auction House, both are great.

Cobalt in Zul'Drak

I'm highly recommending you do not try to follow this route unless you have a flying mount because you will run into problems with walls and drop offs without one. It can be done without a flying mount but it may not be optimal. Also, there is a mix of Cobalt Deposits and Rich Cobalt Deposits, if you aren't 375 skill so you can mine both it also might not be optimal but technically you can farm the regular Cobalt Deposits at 350 skill.

Cobalt in Howling Fjord

There will also be a mix of Rich Cobalt Deposits and Cobalt Deposits in Howling Fjord but the skill I recommend is going to remain at 350 because there should be more regular nodes than not. You will also want a flying mount to complete the route effectively but you don't need one just watch out for parts of the route that don't use bridges and make sure you ride across them instead of following the route in some places.

Hope you enjoyed part 1 of this and hope this will make it easier for you to make the gold you always wanted. Keep an eye out for the part 2 update. If you like this part, please keep coming back. After mining, I will tackle skinning, herbalism and much more secrets.

Read more in detail here World of Warcraft - Farming Ore For Gold

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