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Thursday, February 24, 2011

World of Warcraft - How to Make Gold By Mining - Part 2 (With Picture and Routes)

How to Make Gold With Mining - Part 2

This is a continuation of the first part. In this part we will tackle Mithril Ore, Saronite Ore, Adamantite Ore, Fel Iron Ore and Tin Ore.

Farming Mithril Ore

 Here is another great ore from the original World of Warcraft that can be farmed for some profits. The reason people want this ore, is the same reason they want Thorium Ore. It takes awhile to farm and they'd rather pay for it to power level their professions. If you're not level 85 don't worry, this step was made just for you!

Mithril in Felwood

You don't need to be high level for this mining route, level 40+ will suffice. Obviously, it's always better to be higher level than the highest mob you're going to be near but it's doable without that.

 Mithril in Badlands

If you didn't like Felwood for some reason, try out the reshaped Badlands in Cataclysm.

 Farming Saronite Ore

Saronite is always worth at least 60s per Saronite Bar (30s per Saronite Ore), because it can be used by a Blacksmith to craft Saronite Bulwarks which sell to a vendor for 8g 48s from only 14 Saronite Bars. Keep this in mind if prices ever drop below 60s per bar. The demand for it will be significantly down in Cataclysm, but once the over abundance of it disappears and the supply comes down, it will sell for a reasonable amount.

Saronite in Icecrown

You will probably find Titanium on the way too since Saronite is a placeholder for Titanium. Titanium may still yield some value on the Auction House but is not worth farming by itself.

 Saronite in Sholazar

Sholazar is usually the favorite for many players. This route can also be farmed on land mount but its not recommended.

 Farming Adamantite Ore

Adamantite Ore can be farmed for a moderate profit but it's not as important as the first five so I'll just give you one good map to use.

Farming Fel Iron Ore

Fel Iron is on the same par as Adamantite for making gold off of it, but it's probably easier to get because it's most prevalent in the beginning zone once you enter Outland, Hellfire Peninsula.

 Farming Iron Ore in Feralas

This is a step lower level players can do to make money if you aren't high enough to do the ones above. The mobs in zones with Iron are typically start at around level 20 and is mined in zones up to 40, therefore you need not be much higher to effectively follow this route, level 35-40 will be sufficient for Feralas.

 Farming Tin Ore in Hillsbrad Foothills

Hillsbrad Foothills is by far the best area to farm Tin Ore in. It is heavily loaded in the northern area in and around the Ogre area at the Ruins of Alterac.

This is the end of the farming ore tutorial. Hope you enjoyed it and here is a link for further reading and gold making. World of Warcraft - Mining for Gold

1 comment:

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